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​Pitch: How to Sell it to your Company
Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago
You are inspired. You want to make this happen. You want to source the best talent. To open up your recruitment to include people with a conviction.
Here's our top tips for getting the buy-in from management, as featured in our resource pack.
1. Show the business benefits
-Offer key statistics: 81% of businesses that employ ex-offenders say they have helped their business.
2. Understand where it will help
Make your business motivation clear.
-Skills shortages?
-High staff turnover?
-Want to reduce staff absence?
-And reduce recruitment costs?
-Look at the best way for your company to make a difference?
3. Understand what motivates your team
-Core company culture and values.
-The importance of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
-Commercial benefits.
-Build back better responsibly following Covid-19.
In a time where health and wellbeing is so important, hiring those from the ex-offender and addiction recovery communities has made our company more aware, understanding and sympathetic. Externally, people want to do business with us and are much more invested in helping us from an altruistic and business perspective.
-Jason Baker, Founder and CEO, Citrus Ornge
4. Explain the concept and how to ensure success
-Think about where and how you want to recruit. Inside prisons or within the community? Are there prisons near your business centres?
-Be clear on company policy. Are you excluding any offences?
-Do you want to offer work experience first? Or an extended probation period for new employees?
-What support schemes will better help candidates integrate in your business?
-Identify how best to manage company culture i.e. difficult questions from colleagues.
-Who do we want to work with to benefit from their expertise and make sure that this is a success? A recruitment agency, rehabilitation organisations, government?
5. Collaboration is key
-Highlight specialist partners you want to work with. This results in the best outcome for your business.
-Consult a business mentor. Have a chat with an employer in your sector who already successfully hires from this talent pool to gain insight into what worked best for them.
-Network. Attend employer events.
6. Celebrate your success
-Lead by example. What works? What doesn't work? Share your success and knowledge.
-65% of organisations that promote their efforts to hire ex-offenders in the media report a positive impact on their corporate reputation.
You end up with a fantastic group of people, a broader talent pool, people who are going to be extremely loyal and you make a positive contribution to society.
-Matthias Stausberg, Group Advocacy Director, Virgin.