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The Recruitment Junction

Sophie O'Sullivan, about 4 years ago

The Recruitment Junction was founded in October 2020. It is Newcastle's first recruitment agency for people with convictions, delivering on skills shortages for employers in the north-east.

Founded by Beverley Brooks, The Recruitment Junction aims to help people with convictions re-discover a sense of purpose and become role models, driving positive generational change through employment.

Beverley has over 20 years' experience in this sector, having spent the past 10 years designing and running ex-offender employability programmes and fostering positive outcomes for the people with convictions going into work.

I am excited to have launched the north east's first recruitment agency for people with convictions. I am passionate about seeing people fully move into their purpose, through finding fulfilling work where they can add real value.

-Beverley Brooks, Founder-Director, Recruitment Junction

The Recruitment Junction offers specialist guidance for local employers across sectors- from construction to engineering and even customer services- helping with any strategic recruitment needs and securing work-ready talent.

We will deliver on skills shortages for employers across the north east, combat persistent regional unemployment and contribute to a national reduction in re-offending, as we partner in the collective effort to get Britain back to work.

-Beverley Brooks, Founder-Director, Recruitment Junction

Jimmy met the founder of The Recruitment Junction 5 years ago.

He grew up in one of the notorious gang families in Newcastle's west end, and in his 20s was convicted of murder. He served a full life sentence, but on release was able to secure employment and move away from his past.

Upon meeting Beverley, Jimmy attended over 70 job interviews without a single offer of employment. He felt like his unspent conviction would haunt him forever.

Jimmy was encouraged to start volunteering and to re-visit his interview technique with help and guidance, and within 6 months he was in paid employment as a Caretaker-Handyman, still employed at the same organisation four years later.

Today, Jimmy takes every opportunity he can to encourage people with convictions that there is always the chance to move on from their past, if they don't give up and instead grab hold of the help that is offered to them.

This story demonstrates the transformational impact of employment in its ability to empower individuals and help them move forward with their lives. This is why the work of Recruitment Junction is so valuable.

The Recruitment Junction's mission is to support 100 candidates into employment in 2021. With having supported 8 in January this year, they are off to a great start. Please see their crowd-funding campaign for further updates.

We cannot wait to see what's next for Recruitment Junction as they grow and continue to drive positive recruitment outcomes for both people with convictions and employers alike.

If you are an employer based in the north-east looking to open up your recruitment to include those with a conviction, please do get in touch with The Recruitment Junction via our directory.